Sipping coffe at McDonald s, there s Groupon s news over and over on TV. I started to think not having taken pics with Jn was a shame. Jn is younger than me by 5 years. I didn t want to take pics with him when we were together. I was afraid that I might look old next to him. Now he is the VP of Chinese Groupon. Someday he might be on the cover of Fortune magazine. If I had pics with him, it could give me something to brag about. Thanks to Jn, I became more confident that I could actually live with a man. After 10 years stifling relationship with A and 4-month bumpy relationship with Professor R, my confidence of being a guy was totally crashed. The time with Jn was short, but we never fought. Of course, mabye it was good because we knew our relationship was heading no where. At that time, I wanted to go back to Taiwan, and he wanted to go back to China. He was very sweet that he said that I m like a family member to him. Unlike A, A said that I am not a friend nor a family member to him. And I wasted 14 years on A. As time goes on, Jn calls me less and less. I m sure someday we will forget each other. I don t think there was love between Jn and I. What we had was a great companionship. I was never jealous if he looked at other women. And he let me go out with other guys. He has invitied me to Beijing, but I told him that there was a fat chance that I would go. As far as I know, I have left him a great impression on Taiwanese women.
Recently I met Mr. Wu in I-Part. He co-owns 13 schools with other 3 friends and he is an expert of running a school. But it really hits me that I m no longer young after he commented on my look. Mr. Wu is the first one who said that I look older than my age. He guessed that I m older than 40. My mom looks really young. I thought I had a good gene from my mom. I should start to take care of my appreance. I m pretty lazy when it comes to putting stuff to my face. Maybe all I need is plastic surgery. Too bad that I m not in the U.S. There is a show they help people to transform. What they do is teeth whitening, plastic surgery, and weight training.
My phone is broken. Need a new phone. The phone guy called and told me that to get my cell fixed is more than NT$5000. Darn! Start to miss my mom s ex, Mr. Hong. Mr. Hong provided me several nice phones. Wish they had never borken up. I really think he is a nice guy. The thing is we only see things from our points of views. Maybe there was something I did not know about him. Hope God will send a boyfriend to my mom. She is quite lonely. A good guy might be the solutin to her unhappiness. She has become quite needy after my brother moved to Tainan to have his own dental practice. Now she has her focus on me and my life is still in a mess. But I have kept my promise and have been calling her at least once a day every day. Being a good daughter is hard. Especially, she has high expectation of me. I have let her down.