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 光的使者 的日記本
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篇名: Unreasonable
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.04.06  天氣:  心情:
Spent some time with my mom this weekend. Evey second with her reminds me why I left her for the U.S. 10 years ago. My mom is just impossible to live with. She called me on the phone and asked why I didn t come home and help her? I replied that I didn t know she needed help from me. She hung up on me angrily and I went home to help her after hanging up my laundry. By the time I got home, she already took care of her fruit and she didn t need my help any more. So I did her piled up dishes. Of course, she took that for guarantee. Yesterday she was going to mop the floor. I asked her if she wanted me to do. She said no. Latter on, she got really angry with me for not helping her mop. I specificly asked her if she wanted me to mop. But she said, "No". After 3 minutes, she got pissed with me for not doing it. She said to me in angry tone that why cannot I just do everything without her asking? I said, " Yes, if you want my help, please ask me. Otherwise, I don t know what to do." Being in America too long, Americans don t want to be helped unless they ask. If you help someone without asking, they would be angry. I walked home from my mom s thinking of my misrable childhood. I didn t feel sorry for myself. I think it is my karma. I must have done something terrible wrong in my previous life so this life I have a non-supportive mom who likes to put me down. Her beautiful appearance and lousy choices of language, what a contrast! Who can imagine a pretty woman would say something hurtful to her own children?

When my back was hurt, she called me disable. When I lost my job, she implied me to work in a night club.

Even though I am the only she has in Taichug, she is not generous with me. She found out that I was drinking her tea. She hid her tea from me. My friends won t even do that to me.

I am glad that I can walk away from her now. She always takes out on me. Living with her is like living with a timing bomb. I don t know when it is gonna go off.

Sometimes I talk to angels by using a book or cards. I am not religious. But I believe in the divine energy comes in different forms to help people. Angels told me that everything in this world is an illusion. Try to see good in people.

Love and respect is not something money can buy. My Amerian friend s mom came from Arizona to visit him last summer and he said to his mom, " We don t like you. " She was in tears. Although she tries to pay for her children, none of her children likes her.

In words, I don t like my mom. But she is my mom. I have to love her. I will try to see good in her as angels say. The best way is loving her from distance. I just need to be me. Cannot breathe around her.

瀏覽次數:56    人氣指數:656    累積鼓勵:30
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時間:2011-04-15 09:37
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
