檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2022246
 光的使者 的日記本
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篇名: better
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.04.15  天氣:  心情:
I am feeling better now. I didn t go to see a doctor. Thank you for caring.

People might think I m weird, but I start to think all the obstacles in my life are just trying to help me find my soul intended to do. Found a book, " the Instruction". Couldn t read it because didn t like the Chinese translation. Then I googled him and found his clips on Oprah.com. According to the author, all the souls are categories to 10 levels, and each one has its own type.

A couple days ago, I was playing with on-line tarot cards. The cards said I would get sick, but my body would start to transform. It did happen. It s the subconcious mind made me sick after reading the message or it s just something higher than us know it before hand.

I like reading books of New Age. I don t really care about what people think of me. It gives me something to do and something to think about.

Have a good one.
瀏覽次數:61    人氣指數:1041    累積鼓勵:49
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時間:2011-04-16 12:00
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
時間:2011-04-15 10:07
他, 54歲,台中市,製造/供應商
時間:2011-04-15 09:18
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
