I miss my books I left in the U.S. Wonder what have happened to them. Feel the injustice. Just have to let go.
If you give only what is easy to give, you cannot grow. That is like giving away tomatoes when your garden is full of tomatoes. Sharing things that are important is like giving away tomatoes when you only have a few left and you love tomatoes. You have to care about people to do that. This is the kind of sharing your souls wants to do.
分享不是把多餘的給別人 而是把你認為重要的給別人
Doing what other people expect you to do never creates harmony. To create harmony, you have to come closer to people. Doing what you think will please them moves you farther away. How can you be close to someone when you don t feel that you can be who you are around him or her? Harmony comes from sharing who you are, letting others share who they are, and learning how to do that together.