*What happened was that I started to pray.
You know – like, to God.*
Saving for later the argument whether God exits, let me first explain why I use the word GOD, when I could just as easily use the other words. Alternatively, I could God “That”, which is how the ancient Sanskrit scriptures say it, and which I think comes close to all-inclusive and unspeakable entity I have sometimes experienced. But that “That” feels impersonal to me- a thing, not a being- and I myself cannot pray to a That. I need a proper name, in order to fully sense a personal attendance. For this same reason, I do not address my prayers to The universe, The Great Void, The force, The light, The Higher Power.
I have nothing against any of these terms. I feel they are all equal because they are all equally adequate and in adequate description of the indescribable. But we each do need a functional name for this indescribability, and God is the name that feels the most warm to me, so that’s what I use.
Culturally, though not theologically, I am a Christian. While I do love that the great teacher of peace who called Jesus, and while I do reserve the right to ask myself in certain trying situation what indeed He would do, I cant swallow that Christ is the only path to God