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篇名: not together
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.05.05  天氣:  心情:
N looked at me and said, "you know we are not together any more." I was puzzled because her hubby and she still share the same hotel room. Her hubby is working for Ann Gee s movie, " the life of Pi". Avatar is one of the famous works of her hubby. N said, " we have separated for 4 years now, but we still have a joint bank account and we are still married." The funny thing is that she had to go on a trip with two kids because his girlfriend was coming to visit him from U.K. So N went to tell the clerks at Splendor hotel that his girlfiend was gonna be in town. The clerks laughed and they thought it was a joke. N seriously looked at them and said, " I m telling you this because I do not want you to think that he is cheating on me. We are not together any more." The last straw for the 13 year-marriage was that he was supposed to visit them in Las Vegas. He was making a movie in L.A and he had some days off. She called him and asked him why he didn t come. And he started to yell and said that he didn t say he was gonna come." Then she asked for separation. I asked N if she was jealous of his girlfriend. She replied, "Yes.". She is jealous of the single life they have, going to dinner without kids, having drink. But his girlfriend is jealous of N, too. She cannot have any kids, and she wants a house. N has things his girlfriend does not have.

N has a very comfortable life and she has been travelling around the world with her two kids. Her husband has no intention to get a divorce. They just live on the separated lives. But occasionally she brings kids to see him. Last summer her hubby was making "Transformer" in Chicago, so they were there for 6 weeks. I was there, too, but I didn t know them back then.

They are going to Kenting to shoot the movie next month. Wish I would tag along. I know many of them who work on the film or family memebers of the movie crew, but they are just acquaintances.

Wayne Dyner, an American Self-help avocate, has published 33 books, but he had 3 failed marriages. The third wife who was married to him for 20 years and has 7 children with left him for someone else.

Do we have control over our personal life? Is it possible that he is a boring person when he is with his family? Can we still listen to what he says when his theories don t actually work on his personal life?

Someone asked me if I was desperately looking for another marriage. I think the answer is no. Otherwise, I won t turn down on many dates. But I would love to look as hot as those actresses in the TV show, "Desperate housewives."

瀏覽次數:86    人氣指數:466    累積鼓勵:19
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時間:2011-05-05 14:31
