I m going to go back to Chicago this summer. Kind of have to. No Choice. Maybe I will give Couchsurfing.com a try in August. Last year, I wanted to stay in strangers couches by using couchsurfing.com. But my landlord stopped me from doing it. He said what happened if I met bad people. He told me all the horrible things that would happen to me. At that time, I had an idea in mind. I wanted to publish a book recording the days I stayed in stangers places. I told M the idea, and she told me someone already did. A 24 year-old young girl travelled in Europe for a year by using couchsurfing.com. The writer said she was not appreciated by Taiwanese men, but she was very popular in Europe.And her current boyfriend is a famous photographer from U.K. I felt the same way. Foreiners appreciate very much the oriental beauty. They like our small eyes, dark black hair and soft skin.
My former boss, Ma just got married. I was subbing her classes, and no one told me in school. There is a big difference between friends and co-workers. Friends are friends, and sometimes unfortunately co-workers are just not your friends no matter how hard you try. She is married to a British guy who moved to Taiwan just for her. They met in Facebook. I was kind of shocked because he only came to Taiwan after Chinese New Year. My friend, R, kept telling me how rich this guy s grandfather is. I said to her that this guy does not have a job and has not looked for a job since he moved to Taiwan. No matter how rich his grandfather is, the money belongs to his grandfather until he dies. Sure this guy has a great family. I just think it was funny that parents and students in school were just talking about how great this guy s grandfather is. They don t talk about the groom. Who was getting married here? The grandfather? R does not even know the gloom s name, but knows the grandfather s name. When I got married, my former-classmates called me, "Cinderella". My ex came from a very good family. His family is packed with docs, lawyers, and investors. I got married in a county club which only memebers can go. I was always very shy around his family. I guess I deep down felt I was not good for his family. The low self-esteem might be casued from the absence of father figure. I still talk to my former father-in law. He is the one I really admire and appreciate. When he did well, he gave us US$10,000 on Xmas and told us that use the money to help the poor, to give to 10 charity groups. He wanted us to get into the habit of helping those who are in need. He still helps me and talks me. Hope we can stay this way forever.
All is well.