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 光的使者 的日記本
Chicago 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 可怕的女人
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篇名: F/S
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.05.20  天氣:  心情:
Friends or strangers

I was riding my old beat-up scooter home and bumped into P and D in a traditional market. I was passing through so I just said, "Hi and bye" and left them quickly. P always speaks ill of D. I didn t know they were good friends. P says many bad things about D such as D dislikes living with her in-laws and said their in-laws are smelly. Also, P always criticize D s look saying she looks too old for her age, and has eyes like clock at 8:20. D likes to keep up with Jones so she always has to buy the lastest brand-name bags. I felt like I was too dump to believe P. D dislikes me because she thinks I don t like her. I don t hold any grudges against D. Any way, I was too naive to believe any words P said. P once said something in her SUV and made me quite upset. She said my boy could have no manners because I don t socialize with others. True that I don t go out with her group of friends. I m not in their league. She goes out with the rich. I only like to spend time with my good friends. But hanging out with P is not my personal choice. I have to put up with her again and again because of W. In fact, I m going out with her this weekend for some church activities.

After the quick encouter with P and D in the market, I went to Familymart to grab a lunch. I shared a table with a woman who was drinking a beer at noon. I bought her more beers because she seemed down and we started to talk. Her hubby makes and sells furniture, but they make NT$50,000 for a month. She said it s not enough for her family so she tries to be an insurance salesperson. She said that I look like Su-Chi and I responsed that real Su-Chi wouldn t be so tanned. Um, I started to think how much is enough for people to live. The mom of my student always complains about not having enough money, but she said her hubby makes NT$100,000 and they have 4 houses. how suprising Taiwanese always talk about money, but Americans don t. They don t usually talk how much they make especially to a stranger. Two things Taiwanese always talk about are money and weight. They are constant subjects. The more I stay here, the more tried I get. It s good that I m going away this summer. I also don t like people to talk behind my back. Some people are pribing on my personal life, but it s not their business.

I have became a peep Tom since I moved into my apartment. My landlord said there was a guy peeping on her while she lived there. So I have been peeping on the guy, but he was no peeping on me. So I have became a peeping Tom, not him.

Sometimes I feel that "not so true" friends are hard to deal with. I don t know how to react around them. Maybe just don t take their words too seriously.

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Chicago 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 可怕的女人
時間:2011-05-21 18:52
他, 62歲,台中市,流通/零售
時間:2011-05-20 16:46
他, 62歲,台中市,流通/零售
