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 光的使者 的日記本
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篇名: Mrs. Smith
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.05.24  天氣:  心情:
Mrs. Smith is a netpal of mine who I have never met. She influenced me to join Yahoo.match.com in 2003. She writes very well both in English and Chinese. She talks about her fake boobs often in her very funny diaries. After a divorce in Taiwan, she got a pair of nice boobs for herself as a gift. She had been a very religious scientologist for years until something happened recently.
She sent some info. of Scientology from Australia to the U.S. to me in 2004. Also, she told me to go to church. She was very passoinate about her religion. Yesterday, she saw me on Skype and chatted with me. It was a shocking news that she left her church and now she has a anti-scientology church blog. She left her church because her church wanted her second hubby to donate 5000 au. She was strongly against it. So she had a big fight with her church. She left and became ill for a long time. Now her hubby and she are separated. Before they had something in commom, the same religion. After leaving church, they don t have anything in common. They converted the big house into two flats. Each of them owns a unit. Their religion brought them together. Without the religion, they are like friends without same interests. She said, "no sex, no comittment now." I admire Mrs. Smith for her talents. She has a body like a super model, but is very witted, very eloquent. I think she will never lose in any arguements.

One more shocking news is that our mutual netpal, BK, got a lung cancer. BK is a professor I have never met. We have not kept in touch. Yahoo. match.com has been a histroy. But friends I met there are still my friends. Even though we have never seen each other in person, we have gone through ups and downs together by the power of Internet.

人生無常 即時行樂

Pray for BK.

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