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篇名: Stephen krashen
作者: ♥77 ♥ 日期: 2007.03.15  天氣:  心情:
Today I went to the speech that Stephen Krashen present his new hypothesis

about Free Voluntary Surfing(FVS) and found that my listening comprehension

have been enhanced more than I expected before.

I learned more about FVS, which claimed that if you work hard, 

you will get the reward someday and pointed out that the more 

you use Inteernet, the better reader you are when you're surfing

the interesting articles on the website.

Also, I noticed that Krashen became more humble than last time I saw him.

I really appreciate this kind of humble person in the society  nowadays because 

everyone who is famous for some professional fields will forget 

who he is and be proud of himself, which I think it is not better.

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