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 光的使者 的日記本
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篇名: Hang-over
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.06.13  天氣:  心情:
I was having a hang-over yesterday. I puked at Tina s car on the way to the park. In the park, T told me that there was an old guy staring at me. Well, I m not young. To be able to get an attention from someone should be a good thing.

T was my college friend. I introduced her hubby to her. This sumemer they are going back to the U.S, too. T likes to complain her hubby to me.

I was not having my period. I thought I was so I would have an reason to explain my emotional outbusts. I was just bleeding, and I ignored it. I d rather trust myself than docs. I m feeling fine except my back and my knee. If the bleeding continues, I will go seek for help. But it stopped.

On Sat. night, I went out with the young hunk who has been leaving me messages. We met in a teashop. The night with him was an eye opening experience. I know I m not someone he wants to be with, but he is still nice to me. We played by the ear, and got on his Luxgen SUV, and he took me to a showhouse. It was my very first time to be in a show house. I went to a gentlemen s club in the U.S., but I have never gone to any live shows in Taiwan. There were many foreign performers in the show. Sometimes they performed pretended live pron on the stage. They would come to your table and dance and drink with you and ask for tips. Later his friends joined us. I was almost tanked by the time they came. In the early morning he took me to the museum of art and had some breakfast at a 24 hour rice soup restaurant. I didn t feel like anything. Not sure where he was heading to after breakfast. My mom finally called me at 5:24 a.m. Then he sent me home. I thought my mom would be angry, but she was o.k. with it. My mom wanted me to be home by 9 p.m. when I was young. Guess I m not a little girl any more.

I know I m not the young hunk s type. His-ex girlfriend was 6 years younger than he. I m almost 8 years older than he is. Not sure why he wanted to see me. He was very nice to his ex-girlfriend and spent time with her almost everyday, but she felt insecure around him. So she left him for another guy. But she came back to him and asked for a second chance, but he does not want to be with her anymore even though his heart is still longing for her.

I appreciated his generosity. A night in a club like that is not something I can afford. The dancers keep asking for tips. I m not a party animal and I m not a night owl. The worst part is hang-over. I blamed myself for drinking too fast and too much. Glad that he was a gentleman.

I know myself more now. Night life is definitelly not for me.

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