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 光的使者 的日記本
Pamperingmyself 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Bug and Bee
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篇名: Fix myself up
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.06.15  天氣:  心情:
Busy fixing myself up before going back to Chicago. Acupunture, AMCT, Chinese Chiropractor, Chi-Kong Chinese doc are in my daily schedule. Seeing a doc is very expensive in the U.S. So it wouldn be a good idea to get all the treatments I need before the big trip.

Seeing the popular Chi-Kong Chinese physician is the pain in the neck. The clinic opens at 2:00 p.m., but I had to be there before 1 a.m. in order to be seen by the famous Chi-Kong Chinese doc. The first time I was there around 1:20 p.m., they already had enough patients for the famous doc and wouldn t squeeze me in. The guy at check-in counter lied to me that the famous doc wouldn t see the first time patient. The second time I was there, I was the third one who got there. A woman cut in line and stood in front of me. I was angry but I didn t say anything. But she started to call her friends to come to see the doc becasue she got in early and could make appiontments for them. I got furious because I had to leave by 4 p.m. and I couldn t let her and her friends waste my time. Therefore, I aske the people who came before me to be witness who got here sooner, she or me. Of course, they pointed at me and I got my spot back. Waiting for 2 hours and 15 minutes, I finally got to see the doc. He is young and interesting. He didn t get close to me. He was just just sitting at his deck and waving his hands. Then he knew all the problems of my body. I was shocked he knew my car accident long time ago. I had to admit that he is good. But seeing him is a hassle.

前任Jason1喜歡小澤 我沒事去google小澤 她是自薦去拍片 還把自己最得意的作品拿回家給父母看 結果被父母轟出來 我覺得她身材一流 演技有待加強 前幾天看到時報週刊有她的專訪 有種懷舊感

再兩星期回芝加哥 回到熟悉又陌生的地方
瀏覽次數:69    人氣指數:869    累積鼓勵:40
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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Pamperingmyself 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Bug and Bee
時間:2011-06-19 22:35
他, 53歲,亞洲其他,教育研究
時間:2011-06-16 01:39
他, 59歲,台南市,房地產
時間:2011-06-15 16:49
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
時間:2011-06-15 15:48
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
時間:2011-06-15 14:01
他, 60歲,新竹市,製造/供應商
