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 光的使者 的日記本
2004/06/12的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2004/06/15的日記
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篇名: 2004/06/13的日記
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2004.06.13  天氣:  心情:
I gave lots of baby stuff to a Russian couple today because they are expecting a baby in the middle of Oct. The husband just got his PhD in Science Radiation, and the wife is an artist. If he doesn’t find a job soon, they will have to move back to Russia. They are inseparable. No matter where she goes, he always follows her. He used to come to school to pick her up even if he didn’t drive. Now he goes to every doctor appointment with her, and takes Lamaze class with her, too. American men are different. They want their space, and they like have their own time.
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2004/06/12的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2004/06/15的日記