檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2022246
 光的使者 的日記本
lyrics 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 
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篇名: Youth
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.06.22  天氣:  心情:
There is something fasnating about young guys They are not afraid of anything. They walk in as they own the world. They appear fearless and heavenly yummy. I totally get it now why some men like much younger women. A young woman s body is like a piece of art. What does a young woman have? Flawless skin, a firm body, and a very tight vagina?

Yo is sweet and he talks and eats in a slow manners. On the contrary, I eat and talk fast. Yo has a body like a supermodel. No kidding. What makes him irresistable is his perseverance and sincerety. He waited 3 seasons to see me. I thought after seeing me, he would lose his interest in me. But he didn t . He asked me out for breakfast at 6:30 a.m., and he does not live or work close to me. I cannot let him travel all the way to just have breakfast with me and rush back to work. It is not very conveninent for him. Besides, I don t know what to do with him. All I want is to be his friend. M warns me that men don t want to be your soulmate. They just want to be your fuckmate. Should I be with a guy with no future just for orgasms? Only if I were hornier or drunk. Meanwhile, I am just appreciating his sweetness and his body from a distance.

H is cool. He has a face like an angel, but a body like Hulk. He showed me the world I have never seen, where beautiful women were paid to drink expensive hard liquior and vomit in the toilet. I don t want to judge the way he lives his life. But I m a morning person. H lived with a girl who used to work in Golden Jaguar for a year. He complained to me that she was too lazy to do any chores. All she did was sleeping. I replied, " Cannot blame her. Where did you find her?" Girls go for easy money are usually not hard-working unless they are forced to be there by unspeakable reasons. I don t look down on people. We are all equal. We are what we are. We make our choices and we are what we are because of the choices we make. We chatted by MSN instant messenger last night. And I finally spilt the beans and he was o.k. with my little secret. I never thought I would this shallow. But I am attracted to his face, just his face.

Jf works in a college for 18 years. He is 10 years older than me? He came to meet me on Monday night in Starbucks. He used to live in the States for 7 years. He said that I was sweet. I guess I should name myself chocolate becasue I am getting darker and darker everyday as the weather gets hotter.

After I decided to go meet more people, my life has become an adventure everyday. I cannot say it s bad or it s good. It just offers me a window to peek in a total different world.

My ex-hubby is giving me a hard time again. He wanted me to give him back the wedding ring I bought him when we got married. Honestly, I don t know where it is. I have given him everything in the house. He is still giving me troubles every now and then. Where is the guy I used to know? I totally admire the Chinese woman s taming husband s skills. I think she is a magician who can turn a gentle guy into a horrible, calculative, unkind "person" who would abandon his family for her. Love is blind. The question is how long will "love " last when her intention is to obtain a green card. well, it s not my business any more.

Do the things we love. Enjoy! Life is too short.

Gosh, my knee is bothering me.
瀏覽次數:80    人氣指數:880    累積鼓勵:40
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時間:2011-06-23 19:18
他, 58歲,台南市,房地產
時間:2011-06-22 14:44
他, 58歲,台南市,房地產
