Potluck Party : A party which requires everyone to bring some food to share.
I went to Aga s potluck party. She knows a lot people from different ethic groups. I was the only Taiwanese in her party. Aga is a vegan so many of her friends are vegan. I brought hummus, vegan veggie dip, dumplings, Nachos, greek pasta salad, and 6 packs of beer.
Aga is a very beautiful woman who makes friends with people very easily. A guy she met in Wholefood not too long ago sold her a first class ticket to Mexico for US$220 and bought two pieces of artworks from her. Her fiance said, " This kind of good thing would never happen to men." She is gonna stay at her friend s house in Mexico for free. There are advantages to be a beautiful woman. She is surely a living example. Wish I could go to Mexico, too.
Two guys asked for my phone number in the party. One is a strict vegan Cosmochemist who holds a P.H.D. degree from University of Chicago. The other one is a 33 year-old social worker who takes care of children from dysfunctional families.I don t have a cell phone in the U.S. And I don t feel like getting one. It is very hard to find a public phone booth in the U.S. Although I don t want to get one, I might still have to do it eventually.
The cosmochemist suggested escort me home after the party, but I decided to stay at Aga s. He is from Isral. He became a vegan for ethical reasons. He said male chicks are killed at birth because they had no economical values. I found all the vegans I know have beautifu glowing skin. Maybe I can try to become one during my stay.
Before we called it a nigh, Aga s fiance invited a Mexican guitarist to perform in the living room. He sang several songs he wrote. Aga s Mexican neighbor who came with the guitarist offered his guest room to me, but I felt safer staying with Aga. So I slept on the floor in the attic. I have been sleeping on the floor since I came to Chicago. I m very glad that I m not a princess. I can sleep anywhere.
Eveyone has been nice to me in Chicago. I m very grateful everyday for people who have helped me.
Wanna slim down. Wanna look good in Victoria s secret bathing suits. Whttp://www.victoriassecret.com/ss/Satellite?ProductID=1265499366043&c=Page&cid=1265504495899&pagename=vsdWrapperanna look as hot as her.