臉書波蘭媽媽傳來謝函 美國國慶日她和她老公帶她兩個小女孩來參加我朋友辦的聚會 老大一來就板著臉 一副 I don t want to be here! I wanna go.另一個小小妹一來就抓了三個我煎的鍋貼 嘴裡塞了一個 手裡握了兩個 要給她姊姊 我還擔心沒人吃我的菜 鍋貼很快被一掃而盡 我就跟她們玩 沒想到老大回去還想著我 念著我 我對小孩還蠻有一套 他們都不會說英語 說波蘭話 但愛是國際語言 相信小小孩都可以感受到
Hi :) I just wanted to thank you for beeing so kind and carring and wonderful to our two little girls! They had lots of fun thanks to you and Amelia keeps on talking about you :) It is really wonderful to meet someone with such a warm and open personality! Thanks again and we hope to see you again soon!