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 EMMA 的日記本
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篇名: : )
作者: EMMA 日期: 2009.01.24  天氣:  心情:
In July 2008
,Monocle,a well-known print media specializing in design n culture,
evaluated n picked out the top 25 most livable cities,
some of which r world-famous or widely-known ones,
such as Copenhhagen,ranked the first on the list,

Singapore took rank as the 22nd
other Asian cities selected on the list included
Tokyo,Fukuoka n Kyoto.....(TW??)
the most interestin part of the study was that
several cities,either unexpected or unfamiliar to us ^^

TWO YEAR AGO..........
I have visited from of swiss partners Herzog and de Meuron,
who r exactly the designers of THE NEST,
n I was very impressed by the hospitable spatial scale:
several short houses surroung n form a plaza;the conference room
is located in a one-floor house,facin the road with big big glass.

This pair of Pulitzer Prize winners doesnt have "signative style"
rather,they make it a principle to keep studin n applyin different
meterials n textures on building which explains the structure
of the enst.

THIS YEAR........
Ill finish my high school course!!
Where is the next place I can tread on haha
Mr.M Mr.M here I am :)

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