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 飛(看不到非VIP留言) 的日記本
right decision 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 depressed
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篇名: cheer up
作者: 飛(看不到非VIP留言) 日期: 2008.11.03  天氣:  心情:
to my dear friend~~

this is the letter to cheer you up~~~~so...be happy. OK?!

if you know me exactly, you will know that I am shy and introverted.(do not laugh when you see that. I know~~I know~~~I always do some funny things or say some funny jokes to let people make fun of that, however it is not real who I am.)
you know...people live in the kind of chaos world, we always mask our real personality with smile to protect ourselves.
however, times go by, we forgot how to show our real expression and say the words that we wanna say.
that is why I will write this letter to concern you sincerely because those sentence which are that I do not know how to say in front of you.
therefore.....forgive me that behaviour, OK?!

first of all, I wanna show my sorry to what happened on you and your family.
I do not have a son so I may not identified with you indeed.
however, I think you know that I keep lots of cats in my home and for me, they are my children.(do not forget that I told you that I am a bachelorism so it is normal for me to keep my cats as my children.)
most of my cats, I raised them snice they were kittens.
as babies, I had to fed them on milk or nutrients in every two hours and I had to wait beside the kitty litter box until they had gone to stool which was make sure their bodily functions are OK.
if they did not want to eat or had the number two, I had to had the basic check on them and tried my best to make them comfort.
therefore, I always tired from lack of sleep when I met a stray cat and decided to raise him(her) because most of stray cats that I raised which were out of condition.
I brought them up with my heart and my love, so they are part of my live.
and you know the situation between me and my family, so I always treat them as my family.
that is why I cried my eyes out or with anxiety gnawed at my heart when my cat died or got sick.(I remembered that I had to take the graduation photograph of junior college at the same day of my cat s death. Gosh! I have never forget that day.)
of course, I am not telling you that your son just like as my cats.
however, you treat your son as a treasure and either me....I treat all my cats as treasure.
I mean.....the love of us to our treasure are the same, so I probably understand your anxiety.

BUT, my dear friend, there is one thing that I need to tell you:"Sometimes, WORRIES will make things worse, and it can not change anything."
we all know the Chinese famous proverb "the God always put all the trials and tribulations on those people who are destined for a great future", and I am sure Alex is one of them.
that is why he has to go through with this accident this time and I know he will overcome it.
after this accident, I am sure there are not anything could be a blow on him.
therefore, do not worry!
the only thing that you can do is that let him feel that all of your family are altogether on his side in this matter and I will support you through thick and thin.
so....if you feel sad or totally spent, tell me please......that is only thing that I think I can do for you.
try not to bottle up your emotions and it will have the bad effects on your health.
give full vent to your feeling by some ways and keep a mood of cautious optimism or keep your head in the accident.
do not let Alex see you have a haunted look and that will let him feel sad, too.
you should know that it is not helpful for recovering his health.
children always feel a same instantaneous connection with their mum, so do not let your moods conditions to affect Alex.
come on~~~we are best friends, so...be free to share your thoughts or moods with me, that is why people always need to have best friends.

second, I do not know how the accident happened, and who made this.
however, try not to put all the blame on the person who made this.
I am sure no one will do that on purpose and the person must reproached himself(herself) for this accident.
everyone in your family love Alex with hearts and you should know that.
no one did not want this accident to happen.
the same on you, do not always thinking and thinking about your absence within this accident.
I know the love of a mother for your child will make you have the kind of thought, however you were taking the class while the accident was happening.
you do nothing wrong, and you just did the duty of being a student.
the whole thing happened on Alex that was an accident and you can never predit what would happen next.
if you could, I am sure that you will try your best to stop that.
however, that is not the kind of things that we could control.
in my mind, you are a good mother and you always do everything you could for Alex if you know that is good to him.
you educated him be a gentleman, be a polite human being......I know that you are try to be a good mother and you are!
so......stop make youfself have the feeling of guilt, and no one should not blame themselves for what happened.
try to forget about who did that and 「if you were at home....」something like that.
that is reality......if God want that happen, it must happen.
no one could change that, even you.
if this is a test to you and Alex, you must accept it and try to beat that.
I know you can.....can t you?!

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