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 sandyichiro 的日記本
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篇名: Throwing books
作者: sandyichiro 日期: 2006.02.22  天氣:  心情:

[:E]I don't like to change my office seat, about this thing I feel tird, but today boss told me I need to clean all my old books. She said they are too old to use and she asked me to throw them away. I like to collect all kinds of books, so one of my favorite place to visit is the bookstore. For many years, I have many books. And I think textbooks are very good for many students to study. But, I still threw some of them. I feel terrible after throwing them.[:@] I really hate to change my seat and throw books. Bless me![:@] Don't ask me to do something that I don't like to.  

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