“Stephen, we have to rescue a baby hippo, can you come?”(「史蒂芬,我們需要去救援一隻河馬寶寶,你能來嗎?」)
“Yes, it will take me twenty minutes to get to the office from the hospital”.(「沒問題,我大概20分鐘內就從醫院趕回去」)
“But you have malaria, perhaps you should rest?”(「但你瘧疾還沒完全好,也許應該再休息一陣子?」)
“No, the malaria has gone, it was a half lie, my head was sore but I would not give up on a baby hippo for anything”.(「不,我快痊癒了,雖然頭還有點痛,但我不會為了任何事情而放棄河馬寶寶的!」)