This film is based on true events that took place during the genocidal violence that erupted in Rwanda between the Hutu and Tutsi groups in 1994, when the Hutu military and Interahamwe militias killed roughly 800,000 Tutsis over approximately 100 days. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages.
Music: Wyclef Jean - Million Voices
(I own nothing)
以下來自安德森 音樂宅急便 非常感人的故事和電影 以及音樂
2012. 07. 12/Wyclef Jean 懷克里夫金/Million voices 萬語千聲/2005
" Million voices 萬語千聲 "開頭的副歌由非洲兒童合唱團演唱,這段貫穿全曲的動人旋律以五聲音階寫就,一開始讓老安以為是取材自台灣的原住民歌謠。演唱及作曲者 Wyclef Jean 為美籍海地裔的黑人歌手,九歲時和家人一起移民美國,定居於紐約。後來他和蘿倫希爾Lauryn Hill等組成 The Fugees 流亡者三人組,曲風走嘻哈、靈魂和雷鬼等黑人音樂路線,發行過多首暢銷曲。