Really sick of the life i m living now
I worked until 4AM coz of that shit customer didn t pay the money on time.
How come Sales need to take the responsibility to correct the mistakes of website?
I m not the guy from Marketing or MIS.
How come I have to take care the whole producting promotion and bear such pressure?
I really can t figure out why a sale have to do such things.
And, I found the truth is only me care about it.
How come?
I m not the supervisors and not the auditors of this company.
Dame...I m even not a PM.
But, I have to finish such things here every day.
Yes, I work for money....
I talk to myself every day.
Don t need to care about what else those stupid guys do...
Never mind those stupid guys talk to me....
Never mind those shit guys think about me....
Yes, I only have to solve my own problem.
Don t need to care about the shits here.....
think I can do anything for them......
No one appreciate it...................
No one..............................