I think I will really miss this place, even though it was not too long, and I wasn't whole devoted to this job, but I have a special feeling with Wooster.
I don't mean the feeling as the place but to the people I was with, my students, my co-workers, my friends, and my neighbor. Wooster people are very friendly and simple, simple as their view of life. 一輩子住在同一個地方, 結婚生小孩, 是非常自然而且單純的一件事情, 雖然這個不是我想要的生活, 但是我很欣賞他們對生活的態度, 該來的會來, 不抗拒也不強求, 這裡早婚的人很多, 雖然可能因為先上車後補票也大有人在, 但是我覺得, 他們對感情都很正面而且勇敢的去追求。