古書有講,上述十年大運如果出問題的解法有三:(1.)接觸修行法門之機緣,充實精神生活,要廣植福田。或者,(2.)遊山玩水,以保持精神上之愉快。(3.)已婚婦女行「子孫」爻之大運之時,有「聚少離多」傾向,解法為:「拆戶口」,可避免離婚。(關於這幾點,我正在與朋友們求證之中。妳願意分享妳的經歷或經驗嗎? taiwanromanization at gmail dot com
Actually, my initiative to work on I-Ching ba-gua studies was to focus on investments and profits on commodities such as Forex or stock shares/indexes, which is really interesting and rewarding for me despite the fact that it is absolutely time consuming indeed.
I used the rules of ba-gua to help some close friend to determine if the specified funds investment can be profitable or not, and it worked well. (Mind you, I am NOT keen on doing such service for you in that I know nothing at all about you in the virtual world. So, please don`t expect me to work with you regarding Forex or stock shares/indexes or the likes! Not a sausage! Please.
Nevertheless, I am happy to help you to see if you are lucky enough in your fortune mapping on a yearly or monthly basis (流年財運,流月財運) through I-Ching ba-gua. So, if you are desperately in need of help regarding advices or interpretations, just drop me a line in my [留言板], and I will advice you with the help through ba-gua interpretation WHENEVER I HAVE TIME.