I can''t believe everyone . I don't know why you lied me.... is funny? or? i don't care, if u not rich or something, but you can't lied me.....
ㄏㄏ~~ 謝謝^^ 對阿你消失好久喔
because...English is very difficult for me... i don t like....my grammar is very bad too.... i know we understand each other...love u dear my airport is morning 6 o clock..... it s to tire... my mom will come to fetch me.... so don;t worry about that^^ miss u
我只寫給看ㄉ懂ㄉ人拉@@ 裡面一些意思秘密!!
不會拉 = =我英文也很濫~~~
ya....that u think.... everything is clear.... you can ask your honey. i m unhappy.... why...he want do that? is so yuck....噁噁噁
= = 哈哈~~~