最近常聽的Last Autumn's Dream(悲秋賦樂團) 中文團名取得還蠻好聽,屬於美旋律hard rock/AOR一類
集合瑞典歌手Mikael Erlandsson(主唱), 及Fair Warning吉他手-Andy Malecek, 加上歐洲合唱團的三名團員
主唱聲音細膩還蠻像White Lion的Mike,加上Andy流暢熟練的solo,如同Unisonic堪稱夢幻組合綻放更閃耀的光芒
雖然從第二張開始, 成員有所變動, 但核心團員主唱和吉他始終沒變, 甚至後來主唱Mikael自己還兼鍵盤手,不容易呀 我最愛part 3,Jenny's Eyes、When My Love Has Left Your Heart、Break The Chain、Brand New Life
ps. 戴耳機聽真的差很多哩,吉他貝斯大鼓低音包括人聲都能突顯許多,所以最近我好愛我的新耳機阿...
【 01。Jenny's Eyes -Last Autumn's Dream 】沈淒鋼琴拉開序幕+磅礡鼓點+悲泣吉他=最愛
I know that something's in the air
I sense her loving everywhere
I want to hold her endlessly
She is my reason to believe
She's got love, in the palm of her hand
She makes gold out of sand
I use to dream her
And her soul's got a touch of this heaven
And the voice of an angel
Her heart lives forever
I can see open skies
Lookin' in jenny's eyes
I'm falling out, i'm falling in
I'm falling at your feet
Your loving is so sweet
I'm falling
Sometimes our souls are side by side
And later on they will collide
She's got love, it's so full of desire
And i feel that this fire
Still be burning on
(repeat Chorus...)
【 02。When My Love Has Left Your Heart -L.A.D. 】最後長達2分鐘美旋solo好讚
【 03。Break The Chain -Last Autumn's Dream 】前奏頗有B'z松本孝弘的solo味道
【 04。Brand New Life -Last Autumn's Dream 】...痾...ㄟ...還是好聽就對了...= ="