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 光的使者 的日記本
2004/07/08的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2004/07/10的日記
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篇名: 2004/07/09的日記
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2004.07.09  天氣:  心情:
Guess what happened today? Mrs. Smith called me from Australia around 10:35 p.m. She wanted to fax the recipe of home made baby barley formula to me. She said many babies are on barley formula, and they are perfectly healthy. I have doubts about it. Babies need protein. Does barley provide enough protein for babies? I will consult with Ben’s pediatrician first before giving it a try. I am very grateful for what Mrs. Smith has done for me. She has supported me emotionally. After I spill all the beans to her, I feel great. Good girlfriends are good therapists.

American humor:
On day, I told my new neighbor, “your wife is so sweet. I really like her.”
My neighbor said, “Well, I will keep her for a while.”
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