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 ❉容易被催眠♔◒˚✧₊ 的日記本
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篇名: Jay Wilson ..
作者: ❉容易被催眠♔◒˚✧₊ 日期: 2013.01.18  天氣:  心情:



我 最近剛剛慶祝了自己為《暗黑破壞神3》專案工作滿七年的紀念,這是我生命裡最有挑戰和最有回報的時刻,我已經達到了一個可以讓我開始一些新內容的階段。 暴雪非常大方地給了我這個結匯。接下來的幾個星期裡,我將會從《暗黑破壞神3》項目轉移到暴雪其他項目裡。這個決定對我來說並不容易,而且不是我隨便做出 的決定,但我感覺這樣做沒錯。





This is what you can always count on from Blizzard: that we will stand by our games and make every effort to continually improve them over time. We heard the feedback and suggestions from the community. For example, we agreed that Diablo III's itemization at launch was not good enough, so the team made numerous changes, including changing drop rates, re-tuning legendaries, and adding scores of new items to the game. We also agreed that the end game needed more depth, so the team added new events, and new systems like Monster Power and Paragon levels.

Our commitment to making our games as good as they can be is what has always defined Blizzard as a game studio, and that commitment never ends for us at a ship date. With your help, we'll continue to play, debate, and improve Diablo III, as we've done with every Blizzard game.

To that end, patch 1.0.7 is underway, the PTR is live, and there are many other great things brewing for Diablo in 2013. I'm leaving Diablo III in good hands, and my departure will not jeopardize the progress of the game as we continue to do what we do: listen, play, and improve.

You are the most passionate, dedicated group of gamers a designer could hope to have. I wish you all the best, and want to thank you for making this an amazing experience for me. Keep your axes sharp, your spell books handy, and that crafty devil in check.

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