Are you the animal lover? American people use animals and insects informally to refer to any kind of people. Here are some names of animals and insects. Check it out!
1. Hey, dude, don’t call me chicken. I am not yellow.
chicken (雞): 懦夫
2. Tell you what? Your idea will turn out to be a dead duck.
dead duck (鴨): 指毫無作用或用處
3. I’ve told you a thousand times that Jimmy is a weasel.
weasel (黃鼠狼): 狡滑陰險或不值得信賴的人
4. OK. We’re running out of time. Let’s talk turkey.
talk turkey (火雞): 談正經事
5. I don’t need that white elephant stuff.
white elephant (大象): 毫無用處或價值的東西
6. Susan is not interested in looking for a lounge lizard.