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交友編號: 2122032  
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更新日期: 2014-11-12 21:21
上次上站: 2021-04-12 05:40
聯誼節目配對正妹 竟是愛情公寓
聯誼節目配對正妹 竟是愛情公寓詐騙犯 騙宅男24萬 NOWnews – 2014年8月11日 上午10:04 聯誼配對節目的正妹,竟然成了愛情公寓的詐騙集團?日前一名曾上過台視聯誼節目《正妹大連線》的正妹吳佩雯,當時在節目中和一名男性來賓配對成功,不料日前卻有一名工程師卻出面指控,遭到吳女欺騙 ... ...
http://takeez.info/6Y6lWId2ci.html ...
暱 稱: 秃頭鷹 性 別: 男生  
年 齡: 63 歲 星 座: 天秤座
身 高: 172cm(5'8") 血 型: O型
體 重: 55kg(121lbs) 職 業: 待業中
感 情: 已婚
  現  居 住: 台灣> 台北市
  家  鄉: 台灣> 新竹縣
  收  入: 10000元以下
  抽  煙: 需要才抽
  飲  酒: 偶爾小酌
  個  性: 內向的,難以捉摸的
  信  仰:
  學  歷: 大學/學院
  學  校: 尚未填寫
  自我介紹 檢舉自介
作者: 蔡水星╱台中報導 | 中時電子報 – 2012年10月6日 上午5:30

** One of the best films I ve seen **

The Bear - Film by Jean-Jacques Annaud

在秃頭鷹眼裡看來,直接要 msn 和手機號碼是很不禮貌的行為唷~
因為呀,手機和 msn 對於秃頭鷹來說算是私密的,如果當下留給女網友,
秃頭鷹 小提醒:天下沒有不勞而獲的事,凡遇到向自己借用金錢或帳戶等重要物品時,




欲 留言 請先看完 自我介紹 秃頭鷹 才會在 頁面秀出 自己的 秃頭


Hi Patty,
I wrote three poems lately.
Please check them for me.

I know I m not good at English.
There could be some errors in each.

Feel free to let me know.
When you re not on the go.

Helpless Michael (-.-)

You can t kiss me tonight.
If I never grant you the right.
I won t send you the rose.
Unless you touch my little nose.
I mustn t take you to my school.
Although you didn t jump into the pool.
You shouldn t bark at me in this way.
Otherwise I will just call you "Hey".
You haven t bitten me like others.
So I do love you forever.

P.S. Cookie is my co-worker Belle s puppy. If you d like to have a look at Cookie s picture, please visit

Since my name is Michael,
Please don t call me devil.

I got a co-worker Sybil.
She said I look like a football.

Winnie left in this fall.
I didn t cry at all.

If we can become a couple,
That would be really wonderful.

Belle told me to make a phone call.
But the problem is which mall?

Her Tony is that tall.
I d better stay in the hall.
Sybil encouraged me to work a miracle.
But I tell myself it s a mission impossible.

P.S. Winnie is one of my co-workers. She graduated from UCLA last winter.
She s cute, winning, innocent, considerable, open-minded... But she has
had a boyfriend since she was in her Senior High. If you d like to know
more details among us three, please visit


Winnie and Cookie

Belle s puppy is called Cookie.
And my princess is Winnie.
Cookie really enjoys Sushi.
Winnie always loves Tony.
Sushi is good for everybody.
Tony looks like a donkey.
Everybody hardly thinks of a donkey.
Winnie never forgets her Tony.

Sushi has no warranty.
Tony has no guaranty.
But Winnie has a boyfriend already.
What a pity!

Cookie isn t from Cincinnati.
She was born in Missouri.
Tony isn t from Silicone Valley.
He was born in Sicily.
Winnie isn t from Wellesley.
She knows who s Kenny G.

I ain t from Mississippi.
I know who s Elvis Presley.
I know Tony is very tony!

Yet Turkey has the turkey?
I ve ever been to Fuji and Normandy.
But there s no monkey and Nazi.

Winnie is happy and very healthy.
Tony is lucky and very wealthy.
Cookie is naughty and very earthy.

Winnie is his nanny. Oh! Patty, I won t kiss Winnie.
Tony has his nappy. Oh! Patty, I won t miss Tony.
Cookie is very natty. Oh! Patty, I won t hiss Cookie.

Winnie is my first sweetie.
Tony is her only honey.
Cookie is his last doohickey.

I m kind of dizzy.
But I m not dippy.
So who s my Daddy?

Winnie is donating her Barbie.
Tony is palying his hockey.
Cookie is staring at Teriyaki.

Winnie is watching her Snoopy
Tony is drinking his Whisky.
Cookie is biting my candy.

When Tony was in his Senior High, the teacher asked him "What s your
feeling about the National Flag?". Tony replied "I feel great about the
Natural Frog. The frog s legs are especially delicious.". Gosh! So silly!

Winnie is very pretty.
She never wears bikini.
Tony is very lazy.
He never rides Suzuki.
Cookie is very skinny.
She never eats Sashimi.

She knew my sinew.
You haul the U-haul.
He haw like heehaw.
I know an Aino.

Gee! Who is who?
Winnie...Cookie...Tony...and...guess who?...heeheehee...

I am not so picky.
Sometimes a little funny.

I am not fond of spaghetti.
There s nothing to do with Mitsubishi.

I know I can finish Tony.
Just like I ever defeated Teddy.

I know I am very busy.
But that s my lovely hobby.

Once Tony gets to the lobby.
I will beat him down to a mummy.

It s absolutely not my duty.
But I d better kick his body.

It s definitely not a party.
Though that could be very noisy.

Never treat this matter too lightly.
Unless you want to lose money.

Don t say that is dirty.
Actually it is necessary.

I am not that crazy.
Just want to do it early.

Please don t call me Rocky.
That is my dream only.

Dear Patty,
Tony is a sawney.
Though he has a Sony.
It is sunny.
But Tony is not a sonny.

Why not go to a movie?
That would make us more cozy.
It is not so easy.
Because She won t let me.

Tony is her baby.
No guy is as great as he.
Winnie is my ruby.
But I m only her Mickey.

Winnie said she s sorry.
Although I feel lonely.

My good friend is Billy.
He got a sister Lucy.

Lucy told me not to worry.
Everything could just be.

If I can wait and see.
Tony is likely to flee.

Hi Patty,
Tell you what...

Tony is still a dummy.
Cookie has become a memory.
Maybe I should forget Winnie.

Winnie and Cookie...
Who cares about Tony?

Talented as I am, I still can do nothing about it...sadly...
That s really my tragedy.

P.S. Hopefully Tony will treat Winnie as his Mommy.

Many thanks to my co-worker Sybil whose origin is England. I cannot finish my tentative poems without her help.
Also I d like to thank another co-worker Belle. Without her puppy Cookie, I could never have the inspiration which helps me write "Cookie", "Winnie", and "Winnie and Cookie".

penpalinla arrives at hotmail company on September 25, 2012.
  年齡要求: 25~50歲
  身高要求: 160cm(5'3")~170cm(5'7")
  體重要求: 45kg(99lbs)~60kg(132lbs)
  學歷要求: 大學/學院
  信仰要求: 不拘
  個性要求: 開朗的,誠實的,善良的
  希望交往關係: 談心好友,單純筆友,同好搭檔