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 豬豬婷兒* 的日記本
喜歡一個人的心情` 2009-03-05   天氣:   心情:

Some people said that the intelligent girl falls into the love, will change oversuspicious, will remember, will often change l ...《看全文

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piece of love` 2009-03-03   天氣:   心情:

Can some who completely understand that my heart, the depth is hiding the sad recollection, did not know why transmits to ...《看全文

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多麼不捨` 2009-02-28   天氣:   心情:

The dear younger brothers, you are I only most own younger brother, although we often quarrel, but I very much love yo ...《看全文

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不值得` 2009-02-27   天氣:   心情:

For once an unimportant person quarrelled with you, at that time had you to block me luckily, otherwise complains tearfull ...《看全文

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天使與惡魔` 2009-02-26   天氣:   心情:

Perhaps I in your heart does not have is better than her, however I already very diligently must achieve well, if is unable ...《看全文

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愛情測驗卷` 2009-02-24   天氣:   心情:

快點好嗎 >_< ? 我編輯過的測驗卷 .. 真正跟我有心電感應的才有一百分喔 ! 若是你跟我有心電感應的話 .. 我頭給你 >_< 因為我也不知道答案 ` 加油 =)) http ...《看全文

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人生簡簡單單不是很好嗎 ?
何必把自己搞得那麼累呢 ?
   我 ` 太複雜的事情我才不幹呢 !

留   或   你
下   者   自     : ]
來   ,   己
日記起始日:  2008-04-07
日記總篇數:  15
瀏覽總人數:  4825 人次
收藏總指數:  2    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 9643
貼紙收集總數: 106

  • 白痴情侶疊字遊戲(轉 ... 
  • 2009-09-02
  • 母親節快樂`  
  • 2009-05-10
  • 蝶戀花` 
  • 2009-04-15
  • 愛得起,也輸得起` 
  • 2009-03-23
  • 沒有人會比我更愛你` 
  • 2009-03-10
  • Is unhappy ... 
  • 2009-03-10
  • 喜歡一個人的心情` 
  • 2009-03-05
  • piece of l ... 
  • 2009-03-03
  • 多麼不捨` 
  • 2009-02-28
  • 不值得` 
  • 2009-02-27

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