昨天 下班的時候 傳聞樂透上看五億七 下班就順路走去買幾張 正當我聚精會神 想要感應數字的時候 忽然間聽到一對年輕男女在對話 '老公,要不要買樂透' '好阿,中了買摩托車車給你' '摩托 ...《看全文》
Happy Mother s Day. 當我們誕生在這個世界, 她以手臂輕輕抱著保護你, 你則以哭的像妖怪的聲音來謝謝她 .. 當我一歲時,你餵我喝 ...《看全文》
Does the flowered flower open for who, one year spring last spring comes, the flower said that it is a person waited. Has ...《看全文》
The trust will like loving, even if lost me also to lose, the love was one kind of born that way ability, ran into you ...《看全文》
From falls in love with your flash, I have understood finally lonelily, whether loves is only the fragment, the dreaml ...《看全文》
The game equips exposes the light, spends has squandered the light, not only a trash sells, The life is that fades. ...《看全文》