today is the first day of final. i think i did alright. i tried my best. anyway, i have 3 more finals tomorrow and wednesday. ...《看全文》
hi rosa, me and my mom are very good here. she eats fruits and excercises everyday. take care of urself. drink water and ta ...《看全文》
hey im at my korean friend s house. how are u doing? did u know that ur diary was set to public? everyone could view it. r u ...《看全文》
one more thing, feed the dogs cuz i couldnt open the web page. no ideas whats going on. thanks , bye love ...《看全文》
hi rosa, i met the old lady today, i used to live with her when i was in high school.she is very good at making american food. i l ...《看全文》
bad news always comes first, hearing my cousin s death gives me brain death. none of us can really be pacified and move on. we nee ...《看全文》