fell some sad,about zhang yuan,cause he lose of this show.. zhang yuang d voice,is really so nice,i like it~ he is a music gang, ...《看全文》
A girl went to a party > > > and she > > > ended up > > > staying longer than planned, and had to ...《看全文》
SEVENTEEN: You look at their profile/picture constantly. SIXTEEN: when ur on the phoen with them late at night and they han ...《看全文》
怎麼辦﹖我剛起身噢~哈哈~我的時間跟任何人opposite了.. 哈哈~siemz 噢~現在真是悶到死了..全家人睡了..只有我和我家的狗還沒睡.. 我看那支狗都是要睡了的..真是人人所謂的“連狗都不如” 哈哈~ well..只能對著電腦發呆~ ...《看全文》
lolz my friends~ said my look so different..always change~ Oh my goodness!!i just have 1 look likee this loz..no change~ hmm..w ...《看全文》
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a r ...《看全文》