跨年怎麼過呢? 我想要好好規畫一下 去呼吸新鮮空氣 不再為了不值得的人難過傷心 也要為了自己的未來打算 ...《看全文》
I Won t Last A Day Without You Day after day I must face a world of strangers Where I don t belong, I m not that strong It s ...《看全文》
I know this pain Why do lock yourself up in these chains? No one can change your life except for you Don t ever let ...《看全文》
每天都會上來看看澆澆花 今天也是個值得記念的日子 是我加入的第一百天唷 很開心在這裡認識了一些不同行業的朋友 相較之下這裡會比其他的交友網還要優質 至少我認識的人素質差距都還不大 [:%%] ...《看全文》
The strength of a man isn t seen in the width of his shoulders. It s seen in the width of his arms that encircle and protect you. ...《看全文》
The Prayer of St. Francis Lord, make me an intrument of Your peace, 主阿! 使我作你和平之子, where there is hatred, let me sow love; 在憎 ...《看全文》