虽然很想支持国产片子 但是也请让我可以支持的下去啊 如果没有那个本事 就不要拍. 拍了明明是翻版真的是够山寨够雷人还硬说是原创 你们不觉得丢脸我都不好意思听了 简直是给我们国产电视剧丢脸 而且置入性商品也太多了吧 你们不是拍电视 是拍广告吧!!! 女主角应该有 ...《看全文》
A young mother walking on a street and have two little babies sit on the wagon. i can t believe what i saw. their mother were one ...《看全文》
if have had the magic. i will make all motherfucker police disappaer. they don t seem to care the citizen when small crimal happ ...《看全文》