This the list of the 七龍珠戰鬥力統整. As the new Dragonball Z movie battle of Gods(七龍珠Z 神與神) is coming. 【達爾地球來襲】 戰鬥力 拉帝茲 1500 哉培人 12 ...《看全文》
I know not everyone will like this article's point but from the Statistics point of view...... Well....he brings ...《看全文》
My goodness, this is a very addictive game, just want to finished the is a open world first person shooter game....ju ...《看全文》
This is another very nice first person shooter.............I have to say although I like the game play and the character is strong ...《看全文》
爺過世的時候,我在他的書房找到一封信,是奶奶寫給他的; 曾聽爺爺說過:『就是因為這封信,他才硬撐了回到台灣!』 那時台灣被日本管轄,第二次世界大戰,日本軍死傷許多, 軍隊不足後來不得已徵調台灣人,當他被徵去南洋當兵的前夕, 奶奶是個文才 ...《看全文》
世界棒球經典賽(WBC)中華隊首輪首戰靠頭號先發王建民6局好投,帶領中華隊4比1擊敗澳洲拿下關鍵首勝。 首輪第二戰,中華全隊進攻火力大爆發,8比3擊敗荷蘭率先拿下2勝。 首輪最終戰面對南韓隊,到第8局還以2比0領先對手,無奈在8局下 ...《看全文》