well... not really "en route" but "in transit" (but it won t fit in the title) for another 3 more hours... OMG! This won t happen ...《看全文》
Happy Easter Sunday! Been a while since I have visited here. Just... don t have time. LoL. I think I found my direction and ...《看全文》
Sorry that I haven t had a chance to log on lately. Been busy with Xmas and meeting up with old friends. :D I hope that your ne ...《看全文》
With the completion of the 26th turn around the sun drawing closer and closer, I realized that the so-called best-friends are non- ...《看全文》
忘了甚麼。。。 嘟嘟嘟。。。 坐在星巴克聽聖誕節的音樂時,我看到我的學生和她的同學在複習APUS。 那位學生今天去考SATI,但她覺得她還需要在一月再考一次。現在大部分的學生都再準備考期末考。看她們那麼用功,我覺得我當老師也是值得了啦~ ...《看全文》
Haven t really had time to log on in a really long while. It s been windy in So Cal. Really windy. ------- As for this week ...《看全文》