Line raywuqut wechat raywuraywu ...《看全文》
Sorry i can t see any meg u have left...cause i don t have any more stamp ...《看全文》
So wanna to go to KTV in melbourne..anyone here knows good and cheaper KTV...give me a yell ...《看全文》
Deakin= famous and supervisor RMIT= Similar to QUT Melbourne U = a bit worry about somthing This city is too cold and wet...O ...《看全文》
you would better to tell me what to do or offer me some better position after my candidture. Otherwise i will be transferring to M ...《看全文》
想不到小時候作文中"我的願望" 實現一半了, 只能說真是太神奇! 嚨愛怪我小學老師拉, 跟我說總統只有一個叫你北換, 早知道就玩大一點!! 今年我的人生變化也太大 快拿到了真爽 但前路依然崎嶇 對於一些人也許理所當然 但對我來說卻意義非凡 ...《看全文》