寂寞跟漆黑相對視 絕望的小女子 封鎖舊日情義 杜絕刻骨的小故事 蕩漾心間構思 為免不智 緣盡於此早有會意 即使我知淡忘卻未易 情話句子灑脫合意 偶陳迷醉交低 我心身與熱吻 倦極的身影不禁問 "為什 ...《看全文》
미안하단 말 하지 말아요 請不要跟我說抱歉 내게 사랑은 끝이 아닌데 對我愛不是終點 이렇게 우리 헤어진다면 如果我們就這樣分開 어떡해요 어떡해요 怎麼辦 怎麼辦 사랑 하나 뿐인데 사랑할 수 없고 ...《看全文》
Nobody gets too much heaven no more It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line Nobody gets too much love any more It's ...《看全文》
Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world?&nbs ...《看全文》
Met you by surprise I didn't realize That my life would change forever Saw you standing there I didn't know I'd care ...《看全文》
If I should stay I'll only be in your way So I ll go But I ll know I ll think of you every step of the way An ...《看全文》