唉~ 老了 :( 已經過了可以通宵玩樂的日子 KTV裡的新歌不會唱 歌手沒認識幾位 星期五的晚上寧願在家看電視睡覺 下班只想要回家 老了@.@ ...《看全文》
不開心...:( ...《看全文》
This is life. Always pursue something we might not get. When we own it, it seems much less appealing. And, we forgot the beginn ...《看全文》
我愛法鬥~~<3 ...《看全文》
How come I can t fall asleep... ...《看全文》
I don t know, do you? When is the right time? Who is the right person? Where can we find each other? And how do we find each ...《看全文》