Who knows when love begins Who knows what makes it start One day it s simply there Alive inside your heart It slips into your ...《看全文》
學生為什麼要霸佔抗議立法院嗎? 原因是: 一,服貿,是什麼:是允許中國人以投資600 萬台幣,在台灣設立任何小型商店。 二,一家商店可以讓中國人移民 三,個人來台灣,立即享有台灣健保。四年後這 3 個中國人可以取得台灣國民身份證,享有投票權、被選舉權、 ...《看全文》
制止台灣統治當局的獨裁血腥暴力 請您參與連署 Please click and join us for Taiwan http://wh.gov/lp8in 請您連署:向歐巴馬政府請願 Please sign in: Petition to ...《看全文》
Care for yourself & your family s economics future? Care for Taiwan s freedom? Care for your own life freely style? Come join 反 ...《看全文》
When you close to red you become red, when you close to black you become black -- My Taiwanese English, ha. I used to only lis ...《看全文》
Somewhere in time You came into my world Love was beyond what I imagined love would be Now just a dream I hold till the end of ...《看全文》