電視上、電影上的愛情令人感動落淚,但....現實生活中有嗎?要找到各方面契合的人已是不易,還要能懂我、感動我、給我安全感。為何與你的相遇是如此的困難......?Where are you? ...《看全文》
I am strong because I have been weak. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish. I ...《看全文》
As the charms of physical beauty may fade in the toils and vicissitudes of life, there must be more and more beauty of soul to shi ...《看全文》
這幾天冰冷,都不大想去爬山或健身房, 真怕身材嚴重走山.... 要怎樣才能脫離舒適圈去work out啊????? 不過話說回來,我卻願意頂著寒意去Sanrio特賣會.... 今年下的New Year s resolution是: 多去運動,少逛街少 ...《看全文》
此時ICRT播的一連串歌曲很多好好聽喔! 那首有xo的jazz味道的歌曲不知是哪一首...a pity~ 喜歡這類令人放鬆的歌曲,聽了很舒服,喜歡慵懶的感覺,放寒假可好好unwind一下.... 若有知音就更棒了~~~ Are you listen ...《看全文》
When I say I am tired of you for several times, I mean it!!! I will send back what you call "the precious gift" to you as soon as ...《看全文》