Time, it needs time To win back your love again I will be there, I will be there Love, only love Can bring back your love some ...《看全文》
Ricky was a young boy He had a heart of stone Lived 9 to 5 And worked his fingers to the bone Just barely got out of s ...《看全文》
這種飄著細雨的夜晚~最適合聽以下的歌曲~走吧~讓我們進入抒情搖滾的夜晚~ Don"t Cry ...《看全文》
雨一直下..唉..都沒有想出去的Feel (我的神鬼奇航4).超悶的~"~..我看還是開無名來看看有那些美女來我家逛逛嚕心中想的念的盼的望的很多的正妹.今晚要通通來我家逛逛A__A....當日人氣:0 = = ..更悶了. 0亨..還是來練歌好了.. ...《看全文》