自信是裡子 人們很怕被人看扁,因而只要覺得自己比較卑微的時候,就會去貶低別人。那是一種補償的心理。把自己凌駕他人之上,可以感覺比人優越,然而為什麼要感覺優越?是自卑,對嗎?就像購買名牌是優越感,但優越感則來自自卑感。 人為什麼喜歡說別人壞話?每當我 ...《看全文》
博士賣雞排的心路歷程分享 ~~ -何時清醒何時糊塗 被鴻海郭董點名,浪費教育資源的博士生雞排店老闆,接受本刊〈坦白講〉專欄訪問, 娓道來他不寫博士論文卻去賣雞排的心路歷程∼ 我在大學當助教多年,月薪五萬多元,有三個小孩,老婆是高中老師 ...《看全文》
It takes 26 muscles to smile? And 62 muscles to frown?! So SMILE!!! Think of it as FREE therapy!!! ...《看全文》
A Busy Patient Patient: Doctor, I feel so weak. Doctor: Okay, let me check. Patient: What s wrong with me? Doctor: You are ph ...《看全文》
A Bad News A man receives a phone call from his doctor. The doctor says, "I have some good news and some bad news." The man say ...《看全文》
A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl? B: It s a girl. She s my daughter. ...《看全文》