My dream for us is that we ll always have ideas and plans for the what-ifs and somedays stretching out ahead of us and that we ll ...《看全文》
My dream for us is that we ll always wake up just a pillow s whisper away from each other- that we ll keep snuggling on the couch ...《看全文》
原本以為這城市要為除夕息燈一晚,很幸運的發現,電影院照常營業,哈哈哈 ...《看全文》
旅居國外時,書約每逢佳節倍思親,緬懷故鄉,這我倒是感受不到,因為沒有過節的氛圍,可是身處故鄉,感受非常強烈,就是怕過節,見到親朋好友,常無意間提醒單身的事實,看來為了排遣這樣的落寞,只有大啖美食,穿著好紅好紅的紅毛衣,逛街犒賞自己...... [:#] ...《看全文》
是天氣變冷的關西嗎? 還是皮下脂肪不足,一直想吃甜食,我是一個不會忌口的人,可是吃完蛋糕也沒比較開心,但腦子卻想著另一塊甜點,巧克力慕斯,馬卡龍...... ...《看全文》