今天在回外婆家的路上 在ICRT某個節目裡聽到有位男士請節目主持人call out給他老婆 跟她說心裡話還有生日快樂 因為她老婆跟他說過 她覺得很特別 也很羨慕那些曾經被節目主持人call out過的人 因為他們都收到如此特 ...《看全文》
I heard this song tonight Stevie Hoang - I ll be fine two lines of the lyrics really touched my heart "You know, it cuts ...《看全文》
才嚷嚷著想去party 心血來潮 真的是說走就走不嘴砲 oh, 還記得那些我們在高雄的日子 每逢週末就蠢蠢欲動不甘寂寞的我們 在我大二結束決定回台中之後 就很少有機會像這樣聚在一起 下次一起衝台北吧 I real ...《看全文》
雖然標題很不雅, but who cares? The same old routine for my winter vacation at first I was pretty fine with it but now, I g ...《看全文》
You said that you need a man, not a boy, but what you don t know is that, this boy will do whatever he can to make you hap ...《看全文》
stop wearing your mask, it s fake and disgusting, 怎麼會這樣沒有喜怒哀樂 一絲絲都沒有 是冷血了嗎? but I still give you my bes ...《看全文》