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雲母屏風燭影深,長河漸落曉星沉。 嫦娥應悔偷靈藥,碧海青天夜夜心。 <李商隱。嫦娥> ...《看全文》
彼節者有間,而刀刃者無厚;以無厚入有間,恢恢乎其於遊刃必有餘地矣。 ~莊子。養生主~ ...《看全文》
Out of the night that covers me. Black as the Pit from pole to pole. I thanks whaterver Gods may be. For my unconquerable sou ...《看全文》
I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over migh ...《看全文》
山不在高,在仙; 水不在深,在龍; 讀書不在多,在精,在領悟。 ...《看全文》