Finally, I already packed my stuff; that means I'm leaving soon. Anyway, I already knew I need to pay extra fee. By th ...《看全文》
I tried to stay at home and do whatever I want. I tried to watch funny TV shows and movies I like. I tried to listen to the ...《看全文》
If I need someone, who can behind me?! The answer is No One. Right....I still use your money, but when i want to make mo ...《看全文》
Christmas day is coming soon... I can feel everybody is ready to welcome Christmas day. This is my first Christmas day in US ...《看全文》
最近在facebook上改了感情狀態,叫做: 戀愛中。 但這很重要嗎?! 有沒有戀愛只有自己最清楚。 就算刻意要對方改成戀愛中,但心不在你身上,這樣子的狀態已經不重要了。 =============================== ...《看全文》
只是想寫些東西。 感覺自己很久沒有跟自己約會了。 但我想已經學會的如何讓自己獨處,是忘不掉的。 原本想寫下: 我並不害怕自己單獨一個人, 但誠實的面對自己,其實有時候還是會害怕孤獨。 最近換了一個家庭,跟一個二十歲的日本女生當室友 ...《看全文》