Whenever I need a should to cry on,I know you will be there. When you need something to confinde in, you are always here to lis ...《看全文》
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnEJl4M4yao&feature=player_embedded Colors of the wind Vanessa Williams You think you own wh ...《看全文》
My senior chatted with me on celephone. She is a sargant in the military. she complained of her frustrate job and bad environmen ...《看全文》
I try hard to improve my English for three months age. My consultant teached me must try to discribe what I want to say with comp ...《看全文》
Today is a sunny breeze day !!! BUT Why I need to write the English diary everyday ,since ...today? because ((((((I m fed up my ...《看全文》
恩恩!!我好想多多練習自己的英文喔!! 最近整理了書櫃 發現自己陸陸續續買的英文書占了全部書籍的三分之一呢!! 我什麼時候英文才可以變好呢?? 其實我的英文聽力之前練了很久,聽ICRT可以猜出來一些些。 可是我好懶惰...懶的背單字= = 真糟糕 ...《看全文》